Here is some content about our group and our work:
- Conservation of Drosophila melanogaster Septin G-interfaces at Instruct-UK (20 Jan 2023)
- Webinar #22 Special Edition: Instruct partner in Latin America (12 Oct 2022)
- Orientational Ambiguity in Septin Coiled Coils investigated by University São Paulo at Instruct-UK (15 Jul 2021)
- “Scientists Unveil Protein Structure Essential for Cell Division” (12 Aug 21, in portuguese)
- “Scientific article from IFSC/USP is considered the most important of 2019” (16 Mar 20, in portuguese)
Artigo científico do IFSC/USP é considerado o mais importante de 2019
- 2019 Cytoskeleton Paper of the Year: A revised order of subunits in mammalian septin complexes (03 Feb 2020)