We are the only fully-dedicated septin group in the southern hemisphere!
Our group has been gaining relevance among the international community of septinologists, being famous to provide high-resolution septin structures and their interpretation.
A summary of our group achievements over the years.
In the past, Prof. Garratt and Prof. Araujo collaborated as two different groups, both at the Physics Institute of São Carlos:
- Group of Molecular Biophysics “Sérgio Mascarenhas” (AKA Biophysics)
- Group of Crystallography or Laboratory of Structural Biology-LBEST (AKA Crystallography)
In 2021, these two groups merged to give rise to the Group of Biophysics and Structural Biology (BBE) “Sérgio Mascarenhas”.
Prof. Sérgio Mascarenhas (1955-2021), which name is acknowledged in our group title, was a true example of scientific pioneering, founding and directing several research centers and teaching courses around São Paulo estate.