Laboratory of Nanomaterials and Advanced Ceramics



The Laboratory of Nanomaterials and Advanced Ceramics (NaCA)

Located in the São Carlos Institute of physics at Universit of São Paulo (USP). In this group has four research area focused on the development of nanomaterials and advanced ceramics for application in gas sensor, artificial photosynthesis and dielectric materials.

Logotipo NACA - Laboratory of Nanomaterials and Advanced Ceramics (NaCA)

Our Mission

Development of new material and technology

Development of technology for production of renewable energy

Include students from minority classes and in vulnerable conditions to an education of excellence


Degradation of emerging contaminants using Co/Nb-modified SnO2 nanoparticles and produced with babassu mesocarp (Orbgnya Speciosa)

Juliana B. Lima, Gleison N. Marques, Davi S. Ferreira, Ailton.J. Moreira , Marcelo Assis, Elson Longo, Maria Ines B. Bernardi, Jose H.G. Rangel, Emilio Azevedo, Lucia H. Mascaro, Marcelo M. Oliveira


Unraveling the effect of Al-doping on the local structure and the photoluminescence of CaTiO3:Pr nanophosphor

Guilherme Kubo Ribeiro, Thiago Ardana Chaim, Maria Ines Basso Bernardi, Antonio Carlos Roveda Junior Adriano Jose Galvani Otuka, Fabio Simoes de Vicente, Alexandre Mesquita

Synergistic effect of ozonation and filtration with graphene-based membranes in the removal of flame retardants in multi-compound systems: Experimental and DFT study

Tauany de Figueiredo Neves a , Joyce Cristale a b c , Natália Gabriele Camparotto a , Valmor Roberto Mastelaro d , Renato Falcão Dantas a , Patrícia Prediger a


Femtosecond laser-induced damage threshold incubation in SrTiO3 thin films

Kelly T. Paula , José L. Clabel H. , Eduardo V.M. Vieira , Valmor R. Mastelaro , José Dirceu Vollet-Filho , Cleber R. Mendonça

Comparison on the performance of green and conventional magnetic chitosan-based composites in the removal of complex dyes: Synergetic effect, experimental and theoretical studies

Natália Gabriele Camparotto a , Gabriel Henrique Silva Fulaneti a , Harold Hilarion Fokoue a , Valmor Roberto Mastelaro b , Melissa Gurgel Adeodato Vieira c , Patrícia Prediger



Research Area:

advanced ceramics

Antônio Carlos Hernandes

Research Area:

dielectric ceramic

José Pedro Andreeta

Research Area:

Photoelectrochemical water splitting

Renato Vitalino Gonçalves

Research Area:

(di)electrical properties of materials

Jean Claude M'Peko

Research Area:

synthesis of nanomaterials

Valmor Roberto Mastelaro




São Carlos Institute of Physics, area 2. Avenida João Dagnone, nº 1100, Jardim Santa Angelina – CEP 13563-120 São Carlos – São Paulo – Brasil

Antônio Carlos Hernandes

+55 (16) 3373-9796

Jean Claude M'Peko

+55 (16) 3373-9759

Renato Vitalino Gonçalves

+55 (16) 3373-6761

Valmor Roberto Mastelaro

+55 (16) 3373-9755

José Pedro Andreeta

+55 (16) 3373-6758

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