Thank you to everyone who has applied, good luck during the process and for those of you who are successful we look forward to seeing you soon.
This School is intended for advanced PhD students, postdocs and young scientists
Theoretical and in-depth tutorial training on state-of-the-art methods in macromolecular crystallography
Main Topics: Diffraction data processing; Phasing and structure determination and Model refinement and validation
- 25 places available for selected students
The registration for application is free. Few scholarships to cover travel expenses for students from Brazil and Latin America will be available. Accommodation expenses will be covered to all participants. More instructions will be provided once the selection process is completed.
Applications for 2018th CCP4/IFSC School are now open! Hope to see you here!
Local and International Organizing Committee:
João Renato Muniz, Richard Garratt, and Glaucius Oliva from Instituto de Física de São Carlos/USP, Brasil
Kyle Stevenson, Ronan Keegan from the CCP4 Group, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom